About CoMercado

CoMercado comes from acknowledging the sense of community that is inherent to ‘mercados’ (markets) and to common practices around food, such as ‘comer’ (to eat).

Across journeys and stories related to urban food markets, the purpose is to invite you to revisit these as spaces of connection and community-building, as well as to re-engage with their services around food, which continue to be key in contemporary cities around the globe.

About The Author

Dr Ana Maria Huaita Alfaro

I am a researcher and facilitator of projects in urban food markets. My own encounter with these spaces has been through immersions, reflections and research/action exchanges with a great diversity of markets and their actors, allowing me to gain knowledge and awareness about how dynamics of food access take place in cities, and how these are essential in making sense of urban living. My motivation is to contribute to improve markets’ planning and development for better serving communities around them - which finally involve us all.

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