Dr Ana Maria Huaita Alfaro

CoMercado is inspired in my experiences as urban food markets researcher and  ‘explorer’ from over a decade.

These started with my PhD project, which focused on urban markets and encounters around food and which led me to unique experiences and learnings at these sites. These now inspire my work and these pages. Urban markets are lively places, a delight for the senses when finding yourself around local products. Nonetheless, these are also places of contrasting economic interests, social differences and varied tastes meeting there as well, and which end up shaping the particular forms, movements and relations of the physical and social space. A series of journeys to cities and markets in Peru and abroad, allowed me to deepen in the local and global dynamics of these common spaces and the role of food in the moments of togetherness we share there.

Beyond research, these spaces need a think-do approach to understand their complexity and strategic roles for contemporary cities.  This is my engagement while developing and facilitating projects linked to this agenda, which I hope you will feel invited to join too!

More on my profile:

PhD in Development Planning, The Bartlett Development Planning Unit, University College London 

Thesis: “Encounters at Lima’s inner-city marketplaces: negotiating fragmentation and common living in urban Peru

MPhil in Environment, Society and Development, Wolfson College, University of Cambridge 

PgD in Design and Management of Social Project; BSc Chemistry. Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

Academia; DINA - CONCYTEC (Peruvian Database of National Researchers)