
About The Author

Dr Ana Maria Huaita Alfaro

I am a researcher and facilitator of urban projects on markets and food, with emphasis on their planning for the serving communities around them - which finally involve us all.

My own encounter with these realms has been through immersions, reflections and research/action exchanges with a great diversity of markets and their actors, allowing me to gain knowledge and awareness on what it represents the access to food for making sense of common living in cities, and motivating me to contribute under this approach to local and global development agendas.

AM Huaita Alfaro 2018 CoMercado Mercado de Magdalena Obra PUCP1.jpg

About CoMercado

From my years as a researcher and explorer around markets and food, I recognise central lessons on which I base my work, and from which I nurture the visions and commitments I share with you in CoMercado.

The purpose of this virtual space is to share memories and learnings, and to refresh ideas on urban markets and other spaces of encounter around food. I expect you will enjoy the content and that you will feel connected to it from your own memories, reflections and senses.

As a space nurtured from experiences next to others, leaders and collectives demonstrating the centrality of these matters, I also aim for CoMercado to be a platform to build bridges with them and explore forms of building communities and generating avenues for wellbeing from these interests in common.

Foodies, entrepreneurs, dreamers and innovators… here we are to expand collaborations, co creations and connections.

(Photo: Play at Magdalena Market - outdoors, Lima)

What will you find in the next pages?