Agrifood systems and (new) market systems for better common futures

Atender las agendas largamente pendientes de la agricultura familiar y de los mercados locales a través del lente de la alimentación y los sistemas agroalimentarios, implica encontrar oportunidades de accion y co creación de mejores futuros en lugar de temores y reacciones a riesgos que no llegan a ser efectivamente abordados.

Un nuevo sistema de mercados como parte de un nuevo sistema agroalimentario. Una nueva integración, concertación y formas de participación para la deseada nueva realidad.

Comparto aqui el pronunciamiento de los miembros de la Mesa de Trabajo de Políticas para la Promocion de Entornos Alimentarios Saludables, Municipalidad de Lima. Orgullosa de ser miembro y contribuir con este mensaje, como parte de Ecosad.

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Food dialogues and visions for healthy urban environments

These are perfect days to reflect on our beautiful interconnectedness and how this global situation is a call to truly experience and protect our natural and vital connections. It is the moment to embrace the new pace of our lives and envision the urban environments where we want to live and feed ourselves.

Glad to be part of these sort of dialogues and visions - as a member of the “Mesa de Promocion de Políticas de Entornos Alimentarios Saludables”, from the Municipality of Lima.

Through the lens of food: beautiful, complex and vital urban connections

Among the massive amount of questions and uncertainties this global situation has brought about for all of us, we can experience how it also invites us to think deeper about what keeps our bodies and souls lively and healthy. Moreover, these days have been a call to action, unveiling how intrinsically connected is our individual wellbeing with that of our localities and the planet we inhabit and impact upon, together.

Food centrally expresses what we value the most. It is not only nurturing us and our daily companions, but it is also present in our most loved moments and memories, those feeding our wishes on the times to come and our dreams of a new era.

What can we do to secure lively and healthy ways to access food? Those that we currently see as endangered or about to be lost…

Let’s do our part, let’s choose food with love and spread it in our tables, and the world - why not? 

In this interview, I share some insights on food security and sustainable food systems that can help in reflecting and acting together towards these commitments.